
By Robert Aschermann • May 20, 2020
Know all men that I, William Turner of the County of Dearborn and State of Indiana, in consideration of the sum of eleven hundred and fifty dollars, in hand, paid by Henry Acherman of the same place has bargained and sold and doth hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said Henry Asherman, his heirs and assigns forever the following Real Estate to Wit: The South West half of the South West Quarter of Section 35 [S35] of Township five [T5], of Range three [R3] West said tract of land containing seventy-nine acres and sixty=one hundredths of an acre, be the same more or less. Said trace of land subject to sale at Cincinnati, Ohio . from "History of Dearborn and Ohio Counties, IN" 1885, Chicago: FE Weakley & Company, Publishers.
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