Children and Grandchildren of Charles and Caroline

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Children and Grandchildren of Charles and Caroline

Jobst Henry, the 1st child, had moved to Louisville, Kentucky by the late 1890’s. He married Mary C. Nau and they had three sons.

Carl Fredrick married Marie H. Suhr. No Children

Louis Joseph married Lucy Belle Arnold. No Children

Frederick William married Marie. No children had no children.

Fredrick William, the 2nd child, worked as a hired farm worker in the Dearborn, Ohio county area until the death of his father in 1914. The exact years are unknown, but he left the farm and went to Fredricksburg, Illinois where he farmed for many years. He eventually returned to the Dillsboro farm where he lived and farmed the rest of his life. Fredrick William never married.

Mary Elizabeth, the 3rd child, died in 1927 from complications of the flu. There is no documentation she ever married.

Ernst Henry, the 4th child, owned a farm off State Road 262 in Dillsboro, Indiana. He and his wife, Jane Elizabeth Thayer, had no children. Henry died January 11, 1927, just five days before his sister, Mary, from complications of the flu. They are buried in Oakdale Cemetery, Dillsboro, Indiana.

Margaret Marie, the 5th child, lived and cared for her parents on the farm until their deaths in 1913 and 1914. At that time she moved to Louisville, Kentucky and lived with her sister, Clara Caroline, the 8th child, and her family. Margaret Marie never married.

William Martin, the 6th child, worked on his parents’ farm. He never married.

Carl Fredrick, the 7th child, lived only six months.

Clara Caroline, the 8th child, also moved to Louisville, Kentucky. She married Charles Turner Kendall of Bourbon County, Kentucky and they had three sons. Children:

Charles Vernon Kendall lived only 13 months.

Harry Ganz Kendall lived with his mother until his death. He never married.

Ray Milton Kendall married Eula Fern Humphrey on April 6, 1942 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Ray Milton was a WW II veteran in the Army Air Corps and an Air Traffic Controller They had two children.

Marilyn Lee Kendall married Jack Oren Hedges in 1964 but later divorced. They have no children.

Nancy Ray Kendall married John Auldin Rowe Bishop, Jr. in Louisville, Kentucky on 28 May 1966. He graduated from Kentucky Military Institute in 1962 and University of Louisville in 1966 with a B.A. in Psychology. He served five years in the U.S. Air Force achieving the rank of Captain and served in Vietnam at Ton Son Nhut AFB during 1968/1969. They had two children:

John Auldin Rowe Bishop III graduated from Youth Performing Arts School Louisville, Ky. in 1996. He married Mai Vu on 20 November 1999 in Alameda, California. She was born in Saigon, Vietnam, the 1st of two children born to Dzung and Lannha Vu. They are expecting their first child in April, 2004.

Karen Suzanne Bishop graduated from the Youth Performing Arts School in Louisville, Ky in 1988, majoring in Dance. In 1992 she graduated from Hanover College, Hanover, Indiana with a B.A. in Psychology. She graduated Cum Laude from Southern Illinois University in 1994 with a Masters Degree in Social Work with an emphasis on Health/Mental Health. On November 2, 1996 she married Steve Coyne Holst. They have two children.

Louise Wihelmine, the 9th child, married Herman Henry Jonas Housemeyer in 1911. Louise and Jonas lived on Laughery Creek in Ohio County, Indiana until they moved to the Dillsboro farm in 1914. After Jonas died in 1944, Minnie, Frederick William and William Martin continued to live on the farm. After these brothers died in 1957 Minnie sold the farm.
Edwin Johann married Evelyn Margaret Seymour, b. 4-6-1922, on November 20, 1941. They had one child:.

Carroll Lee Housemeyer served in the U.S. Coast Guard and was a member of the Lawrenceburg American Legion Post #239. He had no children.

John Fredrich, the 10th child, lived only 10 months.
Aschermann Family in Indiana
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