Fredrick William, the 2nd child, worked as a hired farm worker in the Dearborn, Ohio county area until the death of his father in 1914. The exact years are unknown, but he left the farm and went to Fredricksburg, Illinois where he farmed for many years. He eventually returned to the Dillsboro farm where he lived and farmed the rest of his life. Fredrick William never married.
Mary Elizabeth, the 3rd child, died in 1927 from complications of the flu. There is no documentation she ever married.
Ernst Henry, the 4th child, owned a farm off State Road 262 in Dillsboro, Indiana. He and his wife, Jane Elizabeth Thayer, had no children. Henry died January 11, 1927, just five days before his sister, Mary, from complications of the flu. They are buried in Oakdale Cemetery, Dillsboro, Indiana.
Margaret Marie, the 5th child, lived and cared for her parents on the farm until their deaths in 1913 and 1914. At that time she moved to Louisville, Kentucky and lived with her sister, Clara Caroline, the 8th child, and her family. Margaret Marie never married.
William Martin, the 6th child, worked on his parents’ farm. He never married.
Carl Fredrick, the 7th child, lived only six months.
Clara Caroline, the 8th child, also moved to Louisville, Kentucky. She married Charles Turner Kendall of Bourbon County, Kentucky and they had three sons. Children: